Adding new users can be a bit of a process! In this guide we’ll walk you through the entire journey, from setting up usernames to customizing access. Keep in mind that you have the ability to add people one-by-one or in a batch list – it’s up to you.

  • Note: check the Subscription tab in Manage Account to see how many users you can add. 

One User

Step 1: Go to Manage Account.

Click on the person icon by your name in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and select Account from the drop-down menu and then select Manage Account.

  • Note: Only your Admin can access Manage Account; this will be the first person who set up their login. 

Step 2: Click the New User button.

The Users tab allows you to view all the users that have been set up in your Account, as well as add new ones. Remember, your account may include a limited number of user seats!

Step 3: Enter the required information in the pop-up.

Phone number and title are optional.

  • Note: If you are using the Salesforce or Raisers Edge integration make sure the username matches their emails. 


Step 4: Activate user.

When a user is added they are automatically created in an Inactive state. The Admin of your account must switch them to Active status before they can begin working in the system.

  • Note: Manage Account will list the first 100 users. If you have more than that, Customer Support can help you with the others.

Sub step 1: Once added, they’ll pop up in the list on the Users tab. Click on their name.

  • Note: This will take you to the page where you can access their details and make changes.

Sub step 2: Click Active.

Step 5: Customize the user.

An Active User still won’t be able to do anything in the WE Platform until the Admin first assigns them a WE Platform seat (which includes Search) as well as seats for any additional tool/s they will be using. In some instances, you can also specify the number of credits they can use. So, from the very beginning you should be thinking carefully about what you want this person to be doing in the WealthEngine platform!

This is extremely important because each tool in your subscription may have a specific number of users that can access it, and some tools will also be limited by number of credits (e.g. 100,000 Screening credits means you can screen up to 100,000 people). Customizing users minimizes the risk of one person accidentally misusing your tools and credits.

Sub step 1: Check the box beside the relevant tool/s (make sure to include the WE Platform seat).

  • Note: Checking the box means you are giving them a seat and they will be able to use that tool going forward. If you want them to have access to multiple tools make sure that you check the box beside each.

Sub step 2: Click on the newly appearing Allocate option.

  • Note: A pop-up will then appear. This tells you how many credits (and seats) have been used for that tool and how many are still available. 

Sub step 3: Select the number of credits they can use for that tool.

  • Note: This is meant to ensure that they don’t accidentally use up more than their share of credits.

Sub step 4: Click OK.

Step 6: Click Save.