Once you are ready to review, analyze, and segment the results of your work, you can do so in your My Profiles! This is where any Screenings you’ve done, lists you’ve pulled from Prospect, and profiles you’ve found through the individual Search (and decided to save) are stored.

However, because there is so much data, the main page in My Profiles doesn’t show all of it immediately, and what is there may already be overwhelming. If you find this is the case, you can actually customize which fields are displayed, as well as their order!

  • Note: Removing a field from the display will not delete that data or take it out of any future exports you do.

Step 1: Go to My Profiles.

Step 2: Click More.

You will find the More tab at the top of the page.

Step 3: Select Customize Table Display.

Click on New Template this will bring you to the page where you can edit which fields are showing up in My Profiles.

There are two sections: Available Columns on the left and Selected Columns on the right.

Step 4: Choose the fields you want.

The “Available Columns” section lists all the fields that can be displayed in My Profiles, including some that are new. If you are still on the default setting, the “Selected Columns” pane on the right will be empty.

If you want to customize, select the options that you want to see on that main page; the box beside its name will be checked and that field should immediately appear in Selected Fields.

If you later want to remove one of them, no worries! You can either uncheck the box in Available Fields, or you can hover over its listing in Selected Fields and click on the “x” icon that appears. You won’t be deleting that data or removing it from your export, the column simply won’t appear on the My Profiles page.

Step 5: Rearrange fields.

In Selected Columns, drag the fields up or down to rearrange them into the exact order you want.

You can edit the Column names by Clicking the ''Edit Column Name" to the right 

Step 6: Name the display.

Step 6: Click Save.

Once you click Save, the columns in your My Profiles will rearrange themselves.

  • Note: If you aren’t satisfied with your changes, just click Cancel.